vineri, 7 februarie 2014


Nirvana therapies designed in the first volume are mainly addressed to the poor.
I mean those humble people who do not have enough money to benefit from the latest conquests of science.
And to signal to those who, through tremendous efforts, I get it, you may avoid when choosing a form of treatment.
The presentation of these therapies will continue independent of the fate of the book Nirvana principle.
Since Nirvana study has finality than life itself limited We continue to study and to tailor therapies applicable to people with limited financial resources. We thus consider that pressure on the medical system to allow the poor access to new treatments discovered modern science.
We believe that there is a great division among scientists.
Speak favorably of the devil is "divide and drive"
Terapiile Nirvana proiectate in primul volum sunt, in principal ,adresate saracilor.
Adica acelor oameni umili care nu au suficienti bani sa beneficieze de ultimele cuceriri ale stiintei.
Si sa semnalizam celor care ,prin eforturi uriase, ii obtin, ce recomandam sa evite cand aleg o forma sau alta de tratament.
Prezentarea acestor terapii vor continua independent de soarta cartii Principiul Nirvana.
Intrucat Studiul Nirvana nu are finalitate,decat limitat de viata insasi Vom continua sa studiem si sa alcatuim terapii aplicabile oamenilor cu resurse financiare reduse .Avem ,astfel,in vedere exercitarea unor presiuni asupra sistemului medical care sa permita celor nevoiasi ,accesul la noile tratamente descoperite de stiinta moderna.
Consideram ca exista o mare dezbinare intre oamenii de stiinta.
Vorba favorita a diavolului este "DEZBINA SI CONDUCE"
Methods Nirvana strives to avoid excesses of any kind , because it is proven without much trouble and / or problems, disturbing both body and \ " shaking \ " even angels of us!
Extremes are the specialty of the devil (Satan )
God will never be free from \ " LOVE AND SEX WITH ROBOTS \ " ( in translation : \ "Love and sex with robots \ " from David Levy ) . Thus spends only U.S. $ 13 billion pornography ! those who tend to read will understand what I meant ...
Nirvana Therapies allocate a small space symbolism , except the religious , like using free associations , as prolonging the disease and delay healing too .
We believe that psychoanalytic therapy is too long and requires too many sedinte.Nu want to impose premature change in psychoanalysis so brutal and I do not think we have this putere.De Therefore , methods of psychotherapy built by Nirvana although they study and sources psychoanalysis psychoanalytic clearly distinguishable .
Nirvana Psychotherapy is based on transforming suffering into pleasure.
Speak about mental suffering .
And awareness of the disease and sin .
As "Doina ROMANIAN IS continual suffering , without pause " as the artist says Dan Puric nice (which he says he learned it from the master Dem Radulescu ) .
Metodele Nirvana se straduieste sa evite excesele, de orice fel, intrucat,este dovedit, aduc multe necazuri si/sau probleme , dezechilibrand atat corpul si \"scuturand\"chiar si ingerul din noi!
Extremele sunt specialitatea diavolului( SATAN)
Dumnezeu nu o sa va indemne niciodata la\" LOVE AND SEX WITH ROBOTS\"(in traducere :\"Dragoste si sex cu roboti\",from David Levy).Astfel numai in SUA se cheltuieste anual 13 miliarde de dolari pentru pornografie!Cei care obisnuiesc sa citeasca vor pricepe ce am vrut sa zic...
Terapiile Nirvana aloca un spatiu restrans simbolismului,cu exceptia celui religios, ca si folosirii asociatiilor libere ,intrucat prelungesc starea de boala si amana prea mult vindecarea.
Consideram ca terapia psihanalitica este prea lunga si presupune prea multe sedinte.Nu dorim sa impunem ,prematur ,o schimbare atat de brutala in psihanaliza si nici nu credem ca avem aceasta putere.De aceea ,metodele de psihoterapie construite prin studiul Nirvana desi au si surse psihanalitice se disting net de psihanaliza.
Psihoterapia Nirvana se bazeaza pe transformarea suferintei in placere.
Vorbim insa de o suferinta psihica.
Si de constientizarea bolii ca si a pacatului.
Asa cum "DOINA ROMANEASCA ESTE O SUFERINTA CONTINUA,FARA PAUZA"asa cum frumos spune artistul Dan Puric(care si el zice ca ar fi invatat asta de la maestrul Dem Radulescu).

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